Mouth breathing can be a sign there is blockage in the nasal cavity, low tongue resting posture or an obstructed or narrow airway.
Who breathes through their mouth and what are some signs?
What is mouth breathing?
Humans are obligate nose breathers upon birth. This means that we breathe through our nose throughout the day and night, and only open our mouths when we eat and speak. Mouth breathing is when our mouth is open, tongue is low, and air flows in and out of our body through our mouth.
We accept all major credit cards including HSA/FSA cards. We also take Venmo. Myofunctional Therapy Central Coast does not currently file insurance, due to lack of coverage.
What types of payments do you accept?
15 min Phone Consultation: FREE
45 min.Consultation $50 This appointment is done virtually.
60-90 min Full Evaluation: $295.00
Foundational Program 12-15 Therapy Sessions 30-45 minute. Due to therapy being customized to each person, a specific fee can not be listed. It will be determined and discussed at the consultation.
Mini Myo Program (4-6 year old) 6-8 Therapy Sessions 30-45 min.
Tongue Tie Release Program 8 Therapy Sessions 30-45 min.
How much does it cost?
How long does treatment take?
Treatment can range from 3-4 months for adults and 6-12 months for children . But this is not a rule, it depends on the chief complaint, motivation of the patient and if any other therapy/ treatment modalities are involved.
After our free phone consult and an appointment is made, you will get an email from our software (Simple Practice) asking you to fill out paperwork. After your full evaluation you will get a bag of tools that will be used for therapy. Keep them in a safe place. Items can be replaced with an extra cost. Therapy appointments are usually weekly and last 30-45 min.
How does therapy work?
What are some treatment goals?
Treatment goals may include normalizing tongue and lip resting postures, establish nasal breathing patterns and creating a correct swallowing pattern.
We usually start seeing patients around age 5 and into adulthood. *If you have an younger child, you can reach out to a speech pathologist who also practices orofacial myology.
What age range do you work with?
What are the benefits of orofacial myofunctional therapy?
Proper breathing, reduction in teeth grinding, reduced nasal obstruction, reduction in sleep apnea episodes, straighter teeth, better facial symmetry, improved posture, better sleep, improved attention span, ability to move oral muscles properly, nail biting and other oral habits.
Problems with eating, chewing and swallowing. Narrow palate, speech, low tongue resting posture, narrow airway, sleep apnea, mouth breathing, inflammation of tonsils and adenoids, malocclusion, ear infections, poor latching during breastfeeding, poor posture, jaw pain and more.
What are problems that are correlated with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD)?
Who can benefit from orofacial myofunctional therapy?
OMT may benefit those who suffer from: Obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, allergies/asthma, dental malocclusion (crowded teeth), orthodontic relapse/stability, tonsil and ear infections, tempromandibular joint (TMJ) pain, neck pain, thumb sucking or pacifier use, bedwetting.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy involves a program of therapeutic exercises to help retrain adaptive patterns of muscle function, and to create and maintain a healthy orofacial environment.
What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?
Loud snoring
Episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep
Pausing of breath during sleep for over 10 seconds
Gasping for air during sleep
Awakening with a dry mouth
Morning headaches
Difficulty staying asleep
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Difficulty paying attention while awake
What are the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea?
At what age can a restricted frenum attachment be detected and released?
At any age, but as early as birth.
Physician, ENT, Dentist, Registered Dental Hygienist, Pediatricians, Speech and Language Pathologists, and those trained in myofunctional disorders.
Who can detect or diagnose a restricted frenum attachment?
What can I do to stop mouth breathing?
Seek the professional advice of a myofunctional therapist to offer a comprehensive evaluation of airway and tongue position. Referrals will be made as the next step to a better you.
Your frenum (also called frenulum) is a band of tissue that connects you cheeks, tongue or lips to other soft or hard tissue in the mouth. Some are more noticeable than others. Some are tighter than others.
What is a frenum/frenulum?
Does mouth breathing affect the growth and development of the face?
As a chronic mouth breather, facial development is disrupted and can result in an elongated face malocclusion and orthodontic relapse.
Mouth breathing is damaging to the gingival tissue and can lead to inflammation in the tonsil and adenoids, chronic bad breath, tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Why is mouth breathing bad and can it cause damage?
What is a tongue tie/lip tie/buccal tie?
A condition that restricts movement of the tongue, lip or cheek. The condition is present at birth. A short, tight band of tissue tethers or connects the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth.
Do You Bill Insurance?
We know that healthcare costs can add up, but Myofunctional Therapy Central Coast cannot directly bill insurance. We are considered an out-of-network provider.
Working with an out-of-network provider makes the treatment plan costs more transparent for both the provider and the patient, and allows us to work for you rather than insurance companies. Costs are laid out up front and there are no hidden fees, co-pays, or premiums. The Myotherapycc team prefers to work directly for the patients that hire us, rather than for insurance companies that dictate the time spent with patients and determining what is worth spending time on.
We aim to fully educate and empower you during our time together, which isn’t always possible following insurance guidelines. We also offer direct access which prevents excess appointments, getting referrals, and waiting for openings.
Time and effort are valuable, so we want to make the most of our time together rather than following codes for care.
We do offer a superbill halfway through treatment and at the end of treatment to submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement. There is no guarantee that any/all invoices will be reimbursed. We do understand that cost can be a barrier and we have a variety of treatment plans and options to fit most budgets.
We can accept FSA and HSA health accounts as a form of payment and provide the appropriate receipts.